Maria Fagranes Clemmensen

Maria Fagranes Clemmensen

Maria Fagranes Clemmensen is a dynamic professional and Nordic Programme Manager at Tech Nordic Advocates, where she leads strategic programs and initiatives to strengthen the Nordic tech ecosystem. With a rich background in entrepreneurship, communication, and sustainability, Maria is a vocal advocate for innovation, diversity, and inclusion.

Before her role at Tech Nordic Advocates, Maria founded Sharedrobes, a platform bridging sustainable fashion and community sharing, and is today the founder of Aldan, a waste reducing fashion brand and rental service. Her professional journey began at Seed Capital in Denmark, where she developed her skills in strategic communication and stakeholder engagement.

Maria holds a Master's degree from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Brand and Communications Management. Her academic background, practical experience and passion for entrepreneurship, technology, and sustainability has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of these domains, and on how to navigate the dynamic landscape of the Nordic tech ecosystem.